Construction Timeline
Due to the size and scope of this Tomorrowland redo, and to account for needs for the opening of Star Wars: Galaxies Edge, this project will take place over a 5 year construction cycle with full completion of the new and improved Tomorrowland slated for 2023.
Spring Light Refurb
Space Mountain cosmetic updates done with the attraction staying open during work
Summer Closings
Autopia, Subs and Monorail all close after the opening of SWGE
Spring Closures
Astro orbiter
Star tours
Summer Openings
Club Cosmic Retheme
Summer Opening
Flight of the Navigator Retheme and Gifts from Beyond Shop
Summer Closings
Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters
November/December Opening
Base area opens (Astro Orbiter, Playground, UFO Experience, Space Rangers Show, Mess Hall QSR, and Hoverbike)
Fall Openings
Expo area including:
Aqua Base (attraction/restaurant)
Garden Outbreak
& The Synthetic Scientist
Monorail running with new route through base area and station inside Aqua Base
Summer Opening
Starliner restaurant
Fall Opening
Dreamflight retheme