The Base - Tomorrowland Training Grounds
Serving as both a prominent place in the galaxy for living and study, Tomorrowland also serves as an important spot for training to work, serve and protect the galaxy at large. Whether your first or last stop on your visit to Tomorrowland, you'll have an opportunity to learn and experience all sorts of new skills that will test your senses after your visit to the Tomorrowland Training Grounds (TTG).
Access to the grounds is achieved via the Expo or the new entrance constructed off of Matterhorn Way to improve guest flow and access throughout the park.
Young and old are invited to join the ranks of the Tomorrowland Corp with your sworn duty to protect the citizens of Tomorrowland and the important research taking place. With guest instructers from across the galaxy, including the Space Rangers among others, you'll enjoy your time in flight, on hoverbike, or learning first hand from the Space Rangers via instruction and their simulated training facility.