Attractions - The Base
Astro Orbiter
Relocated and refreshed from its current location at the end of Tomorrowland Way, the Astro Orbiter has found a new home within the Tomorrowland Training Grounds. With the move, the main entrance to Tomorrowland will be much more open while allowing the Orbiter to seamlessly fit in its new location.
With the new 3rd entrance into Tomorrowland, the Astro Orbiter will be located in the center of the plaza but with a much wider berth so as to not impact guest flow. Updates will include fresh paint, maintenance and raising of the structure to construct additional queue space underneath that is partially covered along with light queue theming.
One of the prime directives of joining the Tomorrowland Corp is being able to handle the forces of space as you hurtle through the cosmos. With your spin on the Astro Orbiter, you'll know soon enough if you have what it takes.
Comet Tech HQ is holding an open house for the Mad Doctor’s new invention of “robot servants”. This attraction is a 4-D motion simulator ride, very similar to Flight of Passage. No animatronics are present, besides the pre-show and post show.
Similar to Flight of Passage, a barrier, this time the door to the base, opens up revealing a Tomorrowland landscape.
The bikes take off, travelling through the city sky. As the guests travel to the Void, the first wave of Mekka Men descends into the city. Cycles bump into a few of the robotic creatures, dodging their laser assaults.
Just before the Hover Cycles enter the Void, the Mad Doctor changes the portal to lead out into open space. Guests will feel a brief feeling of weightlessness as they glance out into empty space. A portal appears and Eega’s ship, the Battleship Kumquat emerges.

Hover Cycles land on the ship and are taken to the planet Organna, source of the robot invasion. As bikes travel to the surface of the mechanized planet, they get assaulted by UFOs. Eega’s ship is tanked, but he escapes on a hover cycle, and leads the pack inside Organna
At the core of the mechanized planet, a replica of the Martian Robot appears. The bikes get attacked by its claws, and as they dodge them, the robot penetrates itself. The Mad Doctor is revealed as the person who was controlling the robot from the inside. Before he makes his narrow escape out the Void, he detonates the self destruct button. The hover cycles chase him in hot pursuit, and narrowly escape getting caught in the blast. Debris gets scattered over the dark Tomorrowland landscape and the Void is closed, but the battle is far from over.

The guests and Eega chase the Doc until he descends into Space Mountain. A giant Iron Titan emerges from the Center of the mountain, and starts to move through the city. Eega lead guests into the Titan. Unfortunately, Mekka Men (with the faces of guests) riding their own hover cycles follow guests into the Titan as well. The pursuit lasts for 30 seconds.

Eega leads the guests to a safe spot where they can catch their breath. The mood is hopeless, until a match is lit, and the words “DO NOT INCREASE VOLTAGE” is visible. Eega hooks the bikes up to some free hanging cords, commanding the guests to charge. They do, and a huge spectacle of electric lights emits the interior. The hover cycles race out of the robot, dodging the electrifying mechanical debris.
They land on the roof of the Hover Cycle Base. The Mad Doctor hovers over in the nearly defunct Martian Robot. His defeated appears reveals that he too was an animatronic, and claims the guests foiled his plans to become the animatronic king. The robot gives up, and the Doc crashes down. The bikes lower into the indoor launch through means of an “elevator”, and the garage door closes.

The Mad Doctor
This inventor is famous for many things, including the invention of the Beetleworx (animatronics made from spare parts, used to help with construction of attractions) and the alleged invention of the Chicken-Dog! His newest invention are the “robot assistants”, robots crafted and moulded to fit the skill and precision of their master, with the bonus of added strength. However, it doesn’t appear that he’s an official inventor at Comet HQ. But we can trust him, right?

Eega Beeva
As Mickey’s trusty friend from his comebook adventures, Eega is said to be a man of the future....found in a cave lost of the past! Irony aside, Eega was one of the founding inventors of Comet Tech Industries, inventing a ray gun that can clone individuals, and of course, the Hover Cycles.
The Martian Robot
Nobody knows who this robot is, or where it came from. Did it truly come from Mars? Why is it hanging around the Mad Doctor? Is it good or evil? One may never know.

Junior Rangers Playground
Not all of the training for the Tomorrowland Corp involves matching wits against robots or your ability to hang on for dear life. Included in the offerings in the Base area will be the Junior Rangers Playground. Modeled after one of the TTG's guest instructors, The Space Rangers' own training facility, the playground provides all of those junior rangers a chance to realize their full athletic potential while providing some R&R for their commanding officers.
Housed within an assortment of structures made from old decommissioned rockets and hovercars, as well as space junk from the Black Hole, the playground offers a variety of slides and exploration. Ranger theming and photo opportunities abound throughout the site. There is no limit to the fun awaiting you on the playground and the nearby Cadet Canteen has a number of offerings to refuel for the next adventure.
Space Rangers Need You
With the closure of Jedi Training Academy, Tomorrowland was sorely in need of an instructional experience for younger recruits and with that Space Rangers Need You was born.
While Tomorrowland has its own Corp of protectors, they do work and interact with various similar groups from around the galaxy. The Space Rangers have sent a few of their top rangers to assist and mentor the young citizens of Tomorrowland, and to see if there is a future ranger in their midst.
After signing up near the Junior Rangers Playground, Junior Rangers and their guests will make their way to the recruitment station beneath the Astro Orbiter. The stage set up in this wide expanse allows for 180 degree views for all guests of Tomorrowland of the show.
Once they are ready, the Junior Rangers will join the instructors on stage for the show. They'll get pointers on how to react in tight spots, learn to count on and trust their fellow rangers and friends, and come face to face with a simulated version of Zurg where they'll get a chance to test out their very own blasters!
There will be no flying with style during this adventure, but your Junior Ranger is sure to be in high spirits!

UFO Experience
Located in the Base area of Tomorrowland, this flat ride attraction is comparable to the attractions “Mater's Junkyard Jamboree” over at Disney’s California Adventure Park as well as the “Alien Swirling Saucers” attraction over at Disney’s Hollywood Studios in Florida.
Guests enter the attraction through a covered queue made to feel like you are entering an Alien mothership. With metallic silver handrails and walls along the queue, up to an enclosed building made to look like an alien saucer.
The UFOs fit two people (or three with young children) in them and whip around the floor a lot like the previously mentioned attractions. The attraction has metallic walls around them, enclosing the ride inside, which inside are projected with the basic feeling of space, making guests feel like their UFOs are flying through space as vaguely space-inspired music plays.
Each UFO can hold between two and three people (three particularly for young children to ride with parents) and the experience lasts for a little over a minute, running about 1 minute 15 seconds.
As guests exit the saucer and back into Tomorrowland, they are welcomed back into The Base area, right where they started.