Attractions - The Expo
Journeying into the Interworld Fair Expo is quite the majestic if peculiar sight. The Greenway Botanical Bio-Labs could easily be mistook for The Land Pavilion in Epcot, but with white walls that slowly appear to be going green, and a large glass domed roof that has partially been broken through by an impressive otherworldly tree. Gigantic Garden Outbreak is a brand new Omnimover-based dark ride, a thrilling and humourous if sometimes scary adventure into a botanical laboratory gone wrong. An educational tour of a brilliant but misguided botanist’s alien fauna collection takes an unexpected turn, when his attempt to apply a growth formula to speed up his plants goes a little wild, creating a dense jungle in the greenhouses.
Guests enter the attraction through the front doors of the bio-labs, finding the hub of wooden oak panels and a grand stairway, has been turned green by, well, the green. An outbreak of plants has covered this part of the lab, with beautiful, alluring plants covering all in sight. Some are familiar, but most are extraterrestrial. In the centre of the hub is a tall bronze statue of a spectacled man in a tweed jacket, looking more like a host of Countryfile than a respected scientist. The plaque at the bottom reads “Doctor Abernathy Greenway, Our Founder and Gardener.” Moss and ivy have grown around the statue, but not on it, implying someone is at least tending to parts of the lab.
Beyond, guests go through an archway and into the queue line, passing through several greenhouses, which contain actual plants, cared for by professional botanists and scientists tending to them, though will also play along with the story of the attraction, claiming the overabundance of growth is part of Dr. Greenway’s intentions. Since greenhouses are often hot and stuffy, the queue would go in and out of gardens too, so guests don’t become uncomfortable. Guests come to the loading area, revealing an endless stream of Omnimover vehicles, appropriately coloured green.
On screens throughout the loading area, we meet our host and guide, Dr. Abernathy Greenaway, founder, chief botanist, and gardener of the building. He welcomes us, relying on index cards at first, but chucks them aside to just address the audience. He introduces the bio-labs as his own personal Hanging Gardens of Babylon, a place to grow, breed, and mix plant life from across the universe. He then admits that he got impatient, producing a formula he calls “Demeter’s Touch”, designed to increase the growth of plants at an accelerated rate. The only trouble is when he tried it, the effects spread like wildfire, and the plants have grown to become “quite grand”. He invites guests to explore the botanical jungle, telling them to stay within their vehicles, as some of the plants can get a bit hungry.
Guests then board the Omnimover, with Dr. Greenway providing commentary within the vehicles, which fit two guests each. The first room we enter is Dr. Greenway’s study, a cluttered, messy, and unorganized den of filing cabinets, piles of paper, preserved plants, flowers in picture frames, various degrees, scholarships and certificates immortalised on the walls. Eagle-eyed guests may also see references to Living With the Land, eco-friendly cars of Autopia (the ride being built on its land), X-S Tech and S.E.A. A large tree branch has found its way through the ceiling and out the window into sunlight.

“Our tour begins in my study, where my journey began. Yes, it is a mess, I know. I keep meaning to tidy it, but I am a busy botanist after all. Plus, nature is a messy and often chaotic world, and so am I. Not too long ago, I was a novice in understanding what made the garden grow beyond the sun, rain, and a little effort. You could say that I was a bit of a green horn. [laughter] That’s a bit of botanist humour there…ahem, shall we continue into the gardens? Remember, these plants have grown quite, well, large, so do be careful. I would suggest going through the laboratories, but I think it would be easier to show you my work rather than explain it. Then, there’s the restricted, containment labs, but…[nervous chuckle]…you don’t need to look in there.”
We pass on through a corridor, and then into what looks like an indoor forest, with enormous trees dominating the room, branches intertwining to create a natural curving archway of wood. This is the “Forest Floor” chamber. The trees are so tightly interwoven, that the ceiling is out of sight. Huge, multicoloured flowers and mushrooms dot the banks on either side of the track. Some trees, which appear to be an unusual purple, look like they have faces twisted into the bark, while some of the flowers, which resemble giant sunflowers, appear to be dancing, or possibly trying to gain sunlight. Luckily, a solar light has been built over the flowers.
“Ah, now this is the Forest Floor Chamber, featuring some of the finest examples of flora from forests and woodlands from across the galaxy. Those peculiar looking sunflowers on the right are called Sunspots. You see, if they are in direct sunlight for too long, they may spontaneously combust. Luckily, I provided solar lights for them, and every room has an in-built sprinkler system should any plant ignite.”
We pass by the strange-looking trees with the “faces” in the bark, actually rather artistic looking knotholes.
“I see you noticed the Forget-Me-Knotholes. That’s just my own name for them, as touching their sap can cause a person to experience déjà vu… I see you noticed the Forget-Me-Knotholes. That’s just own name for them as…hang on, I feel like I’ve talked about this before. Oh, I see. Anyway, the sap is rather tricky, but is very valuable in collector circles.”
Through the forest we go, exiting out into the next chamber, which looks like it was an agricultural chamber, only now the fruit and vegetables are the size of cars, wrecking the vegetable patch. A scarecrow resembling Goofy has been squished by an enormous pumpkin. Ever the resourceful man, Dr. Greenway has set up walkways and stands to help water the food.
“We do have several agricultural farms and areas around the bio-labs, some a bit more organized. My growth serum did wonders here, affecting the soil itself. The best fruit and vegetables from across the galaxy are grown here. Try the Purps. They’re delicious! I suspect I would be banned from entering any vegetable growing contests.”
Purps are a reference to the purple fruit seen in Treasure Planet. Most of the food in the room are recognisable, though there are a few bizarre ones in sight. One may also recognise Snozzcumbers from The BFG. We move on through a pair of open doors, passing signs that read, “Warning! Poison Plant Chamber. Proceed with caution!”
The air seems to turn a little hazy as we enter a murky chamber, filled with poisonous plants. Gigantic, funky-looking mushrooms, twisting, sinister plants, and even a few innocent looking flowers dominate this chamber. Even the glass ceiling has been turned an eerie purple, the air filled with spores. Something shuffles to the left of the Omniviewers, revealed to be deadly Triffids, which spray acid (water) at the guests. Strange lotus-esque plants twirl about in the air, glowing an unwelcoming pink.
“Now be careful, everyone. This room is the Poison Chamber, where we keep our most toxic and deadliest of specimens. Of course, now that my formula has done its work, the plants are even more dangerous. You should be fine though, as the room has an in-built vacuum that sucks away any spores in the air, leaving it clean. Though, for some reason it isn’t working today. Let’s get you out of there. The next chamber is far more exciting.”
Before we leave, we can witness a rather sinister looking plant to the right, with huge club-like buds, that have long snake-like vines extending from them. On the ground lies a skeleton of an unidentified animal. The vines are wrapped around the bones, almost as if they ensnared the animal and sucked it dry of its flesh and blood. The plant’s nameplate reads “Vampirus deadlius dryus.”The next chamber is the largest, mainly because it has the largest animatronic plans found in Disneyland. The “Man-Eater Chamber” is a large greenhouse filled with rather lively giant venus flytraps, their age determined by their size. They tower above the Omnimover, hungry and a little mischievous, leaning down towards the guests to potentially gobble them up
“Magnificent, aren’t they? My pride and joy. These may look like Venus flytraps, but these ones actually are from Piranhax in the Alpha Centauri. Found deep underground, these fellas are quite social plants, but can be vicious if you upset them. Don’t get too close, or they’ll bite your arms off. I have names for them all, but the huge one is called Gertrude. She’s the matriarch of the group. A real snappy woman! Now, you behave!”
We draw near to the enormous Gertrude, who almost looks regally with her black pointed petals around her sharp jaws. The plant snaps and appears to hiss at us as we go by.
As we reach the exit of the chamber, one flytrap appears to be chewing on something attached to the wall. It is a circuit box.
“Here now, Hector, just what do you think you’re doing? Wait a minute! That’s one of the circuit boxes for the security systems! Stop! Don’t eat that!”
Hector rips the circuit box right off the wall, causing sparks to fly. Red alarms start blaring loudly, the Omnimover chain suddenly going through a door to the left, rather than on the track to the right, which leads to a chamber called “Bioluminescent Plants”. Instead, the door we are going through looks a lot more dangerous, titled “Containment Labs”.
“Oh, no, no, no! That’s the Containment Labs. But…if you go in there, you could get seriously hurt. Hold on, everyone. I’ll race to the security room and see if I can re-route you! I only hope that thing doesn’t notice you.”
We venture into a darker part of the attraction, the Containment Labs in ruin. Huge, black thorns have burst through walls and floors, causing great damage. To the right is a large containment room with glass panels. The interior is filled with smoke, so we can’t see what is in there, beyond the occasional thorny branches swatting against the glass. Suddenly, a huge arm the size of a tree branch strikes the glass, spider-webbing it. The arm appears to be covered in green moss, grass, and leaves, with black thorns wrapped around it. Something inside roars angrily. It wants to get out.
We pass by the security room, where an animatronic of Dr. Greenway tries to get things under control, but is having no luck. A black thorny branch is taunting him through a vent in the ceiling.
“It’s no use. The whole system is malfunctioning. Listen, the specimen in there is like no other. It is far more…grown. I’m sorry. It’s all my fault. I never thought that my formula would be so powerful. Nor did it ever occur to me that these plants had proper sentience. Forgive me. But, I’m not so sure that George will be as such.”
As we approach a corner, we hear an explosion of shattering glass, and the shadow of the huge monster appears on the far wall before vanishing around the corner. Bravely, the guests go around the turn to meet the beast that Dr. Greenway unintentionally mutated with his formula. For George isn’t just your average houseplant, but is a sentient, living, breathing plantimal.

As we go on a final turn before approaching the unloading area, we see Dr. Greenway sitting on a log, admiring the scenery with newfound understanding.
“I am terribly sorry for the troubles I have caused, but creations like these were what I had in mind when I began growing my garden. Next time, I’ll learn to be more patient and delicate with nature. It should never be tarnished or harmed, and treated with care. Well, I hope you enjoyed your journey through the labs. Please leave the vehicles carefully, and have a look around the rest of the greenhouses before you leave. Farewell, my friends!”
And with that, our trip through Gigantic Garden Outbreak comes to an end as we reach the unload area, and can wander through some beautiful gardens and greenhouses before returning to Tomorrowland. But, on the way out, pause in the final greenhouse, and take time to admire the enormous tree glimpsed outside. Guests may recognise the thorns and leaves, revealing it is George, or at least a part of him, having found a place to rest.

For now, we meet George, an enormous animatronic unlike any other. He is an intimidating plant mutation, as big as the yeti from Expedition Everest, or the monster from Journey To the Centre of the Earth. He is covered in moss, vines, grass, huge leaves, and thorns. Every inch of his body is made up unkempt, rogue plant life, down to his “teeth” and eyes, which resemble flower buds. George does not attack, but roars menacingly at us, searching for the man who hurt him.
We leave George behind and venture into a dark room, the power flashing on and off again. In flashes, we see George confronting Dr. Greenway with his thorns, ensnaring him like a snake.
“George, please! I am sorry for what I have done. I just wanted to make the gardens grow to be perfect. Take me if you must, but do not hurt my friends.”
George appears to give an understanding roar. In flashes, through clever use of silhouettes and static figures, George leaps up to a high window using his vines and smashes his way through the glass to freedom.
The vehicles escape George and the power outage, through a outdoors botanical garden, and then into another dark room, marked as the missed Bioluminescent Plants chamber. Though we go into darkness, the chamber is lit up by beautiful bioluminescent flowers. This would be a prime opportunity to reuse those giant clovers from A Bug’s Land and give them a new purpose. Flowers glow wonderful colours of blue, purple, red, yellow, and green. Fireflies dance overhead, and the plants even appear to letting out a faint melodious tune. One may even notice a certain sun-coloured plant from Tangled amongst the foliage.
Hover Car Circuit
Filling the void left by the removal of both the Peoplemover and Autopia, Hover Car Circuit will be a new experience giving guests a chance to drive the car of the future!
The ride vehicles are not unlike Test Track cars. The biggest difference is that wheels and connections to the track are hidden from view and a cushion of springs separates the part of the vehicle where guests sit from the track. This gives the car a more floaty feel helping it feel as if it is actually hovering above the track.
Guests enter through the X-S Tech Showcase. They are here to demonstrate their new projects at the Expo. The queue is full of many cool exhibits and video monitors showcasing their newest and greatest invention: Hover Cars!

You enter a pre-show room where S.I.R. v2.0 greets guests and talks about X-S Tech’s new transportation device. He’ll say of how due to the recent “incident” during the teleportation showcase, they have delayed the teleportation and are now working on the hover-cars! And in a video, we’ll see Stitch trying out one... And that goes just as well as you’d think. He then gets an alert that your hover-cars are ready, and sends all of you to the loading bay. The queue is housed in a new building, but the actual loading bay takes guests back outside to the old Autopia loading area.

The ride itself is a similar experience to the defunct Rocket Rods. More thrilling and fast paced than Autopia or People Mover. But still slow enough to be a full family experience as well as still work as a grand tour around Tomorrowland. It will start with a quick loop or two on the ground at a more relaxed speed before S.I.R. v2.0 tells guests to hang on and they are launched up a hill into the air! The ride then follows roughly the same path as the old People Mover track. Going in and out of buildings, up and down the main entrance path of the land, and wandering all around before returning back to the loading area to celebrate a successful test!
It is important to note that while it follows the same path as the Peoplemover, the track will be rebuilt for this new ride. The lesson was learned by imagineering to not force a new ride on the old track again.
It is important to note that while it follows the same path as the Peoplemover, the track will be rebuilt for this new ride. The lesson was learned by imagineering to not force a new ride on the old track again.

The Monorail
One of the most iconic attractions in the park will see a major change as part of the construction of the Expo & Base areas. After a lengthy downtown, the Monorail will be opened with a new and shorter route, but one that play prominently in the design and layout of the New Tomorrowland.
The track that currently enters the land near the old Autopia attraction will remain, with a new, and updated station inside of the Aqua Inc. Seabase. Aesthetic changes will be made to fit the Expo style and display signs demonstrating other advancements in transportation technology in Tomorrowland including references to past attractions like the Peoplemover and the Rocket Rods.​
The old layout sees a major change in its configuration as instead of looping through the old Autopia grounds and around the back side of what is now the Base area, the Monorail will run in between the Expo and the Base adding great kinetics to Tomorrowland.

The Synthetic Scientist: An Adventure through Time, Space, and other Realities.

On the inside, it is a whole new experience.
The theater is now a double decker carousel theater. The center has been hollowed out making it shaped almost like a donut with guests sitting around the outer circle (on both the first and second floors) looking in to the center where the show elements are. A circle vision screen wraps around the theater in between the two floors giving it a dynamic energy of guests either looking up or down at it. The roof is a mix of projections, lights, and practical effects to represent the contained black hole. The floor of the inner circle is a stage type area (with scientific equipment to hide the projectors for the circle vision and other effects). In the center is an animatronic figure meant to be the host of the show. A robotic scientist with a design meant to be reminiscent of the Timekeeper (but with a more sleek and modern design).

The potentially dangerous nature of the Black Hole Power Generator meant that a scientist who would never tire or get distracted was needed to monitor the Generator. Thus, Dr. Clank the Synthetic Scientist was created.
As a part of the Expo’s festivities, guests are invited to see Dr. Clank give a demonstration on the Black Hole Generator. Naturally, everything goes wrong.
This ride is based (loosely) on real life ideas in the world of theoretical physics. Near a black hole, time and space bend. Certain branches of string theory also believe that the walls between dimensions become thin near a black hole. These ideas are extrapolated into the basis for the show’s plot. The Black Hole Power Generator, when it malfunctions, can cause time, space, and dimensions to bend and even have guests travel through them. This story set up is also used to explain any inconsistencies in timelines and continuity with the stories and IPs in Tomorrowland as a whole. If things shouldn’t be in the land, they are here simply because the Black Hole Generator brought them here.
Also, the theory of rainbow gravity states that different wavelengths of light have different weight, but the differences are so subtle that they only matter at extremely high gravity. In theory, basically only at a dimensional breach caused by a black hole. This creates rainbow colored lights as the gravity splits the different wavelengths of light the same way a prism does. Explaining the lovely light show inside the attraction and the rainbow colored lights on the outside of the building.
The show itself has Dr. Clank as a nervous and excited robotic guide who starts to panic when the theater starts to move between dimension, across time, and through space. It is meant to be a fun, family friendly experience that uses the very unique theater set up to fully immerse guests in the experience. A truly unforgettable show unlike any other.
It uses similar technology as Star Tours to make the show unique every time. But there is always a distant time period you travel to, a far off uncharted planet, and a strange dimension. Then Dr. Clank is able to solve the issue taking us on a lovely tour through super novas and other beautiful celestial events on our way back to Tomorrowland.
Aqua Inc. Seabase
Taking up the space formerly held by Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage, Aqua Inc. Seabase is an exciting opportunity to seize the future and get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the future of underwater transportation and underwater residency! And of course here at Tomorrowland Expo, we guarantee your safety and of course, that you'll have an amazing time!
But of course, first things first is taking a nice and peaceful trip to get to our state-of-the-art underwater base! How do you get here you're asking? Why with our latest model of submarines of course! Using these colorful and hyper subs, you will have both a peaceful yet quick and exciting journey to our base! Along the way during the trip, be sure to keep an eye out for other underwater travelers now arriving here at our event, and also possibly some strange yet amazing creatures!
Once you arrive, you will step out of the sub and make your way into the hydrovator bay! You will then step inside a hydrovator, and watch around you as you quickly plunge deep into the sea and arrive at our base! You will then step out of the hydrovator, and enter Aqua Inc. Seabase!
Surrounding you will be aqua-themed lighting and soothing beach music. There will be a basic directions guide leading you to any of the following points of interest: Gifts from Under the Sea, The New Coral Reef, The Future of Aqua Inc. exhibit, or the main attraction... The Submarine Simulation Facility!
The Future of Aqua Inc.
Welcome to The Future of Aqua Inc.! Inside this exhibit, you will get to roam and see the newest models of submarines that will be available to the public very soon! And not only will you get to see them, but you will get to step inside a few! And at times of the day, we will present a demonstration of a sub with one of our workers! Don't worry, I'm sure everything will go 100% fine!
The Submarine Simulation Facility
Welcome to The Submarine Simulation Facility! Step in line and make your way to our two labs! In the first lab, we will have our scientists present to you new prototype subs that are being made and tested, and that today you will get to create a simulation course for testing! They will show you how to create a course, give you cards, and send you off to the control lab.
Inside this lab, you will choose a design station, put your card up to the scanner, and begin work on your simulation course! After everyone is done making it, you will get to head upstairs and watch your sub go through your course- Wait... What's that? Come again?! O-Okay then... Are you sure?... Alright then...
Ahem... Change of plans... You will get to enter a prototype sub and ride through your simulation course..! Please everyone, make your way upstairs and get ready to ride!
That covers everything! To return to Tomorrowland Expo, guests will make their way back and ride the hydrovators again, then take a sub back to shore!